What Is Bedikat HaMayim? A New Passover Tradition to Honor the Sea
The Sea saved our ancestors at this season in ancient days... Let’s return the favor.

Light in the Midst of the Darkness
Since Oct. 7th, the focus of the Jewish world has been the War in Gaza. What took place on that day was the worst pogrom against Jews...

This Friday evening will begin the holiday of Sukkot. It is a multifaceted holiday that connects us to the environment, to our history...

The Metaphor - Ha'azinu
This week, the Shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur is Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of Repentance. It gets its name from the...

One Mitzvah - 6th Annual Reverse Tashlich Water Torah
This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Nitzavim, is the perfect parsha to proceed Tikkun HaYam’s Sixth Annual Reverse Tashlich. If you’ve...

Blessings and Curses - Ki Tavo
This Week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Ki Tavo, contains an account of an incredible ceremony that was to take place once the Israelites...

Water With Your Foot? - Ekev
This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Ekev, continues Moses’ final discourse to the Jewish People before we entered the Land of Israel. In...

How Odd of God to Choose the Jews - VaEtchanan
When it comes to Torah Portions, this week's Parsha, VaEtchanan is a doozie. As the Israelites are preparing to enter the Land of Israel,...

The Species We Save Just Might Be Our Own - Pinchas
This Week's Torah Portion, Parshat Pinchas, has some very interesting stories. There is, yet again, another round of instructions for how...

Milk, Honey, and Water
This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Shelach Lecha, is another one of the Parshiot that does not mention water at all. Milk and Honey? Yes,...