Blessings and Curses - Ki Tavo
This Week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Ki Tavo, contains an account of an incredible ceremony that was to take place once the Israelites...
For Lack of a Nail - Re'eh
There is an old ditty that I remember from my childhood that went like this: For lack of a nail, the shoe was lost. For lack of a shoe, a...
Have You Ever Smelled a Camel?
Parshat Chayei Sarah I am an animal lover and have been a vegetarian for 35 years. Now, I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals. I’m...
Let Us Not Be Like Them
Parshat VaYeira What a story! Sinners! Destruction! Sodomites! There is so much this week’s Parsha, VaYeira, teaches us as it tells...