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Tu B'Shevat Has Passed...

...but we're still planting mangroves!

Plant a Mangrove

A Nature-Based Solution

Repair the Sea is proud to partner with WELL/BEINGS to

Mangroves can store up to 10 times more carbon than terrestrial trees

Plant a Mangrove
Learn More

Mangroves are the unsung heroes of ocean health, contributing to the

health of animals, people and the planet.


They sequester 5x more carbon than rainforests and up to 10x more carbon than any terrestrial forest, trap pollutants headed for the ocean, and protect coastal communities from increasing extreme weather while also providing sustainable livelihoods.

Support for healthy mangrove forests supports a holistic global impact for all.

Partnering with WELL/BEINGS, Repair the Sea offers you an opportunity to

plant a tree of the sea for Tu B'Shevat.

You can plant a single mangrove for $36, or a thicket of mangroves for $360.

100% of your donation will go towards planting & maintaining mangroves.

Image by Maxwell Ridgeway

Jewish Values

Mangroves are saltwater rooted trees that line the coast, providing habitat to millions of animals and sequestering carbon. ​

Every second breath we take comes from the ocean.


Mangroves are vital to our planet.


Mangroves can sequester 2,016 pounds of carbon per acre per year.

50% of global mangrove coverage has been lost.

Mangroves are nature's way of combatting carbon emissions.


וירא אלהים את־כל־אשר עשה והנה־טוב מאד


"And God saw everything that was made and was very good."

-Genesis 1:31

Tu B'Shevat is the New Year of Trees.

During the days of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, 10% of all produce was tithed to support the Kohanim (the High Priests in the Temple), and the poor. Tu B'Shevat was designated as the beginning of a new fiscal year for the tithe. Though it no longer served in this function, after the destruction of the Temple, Jewish communities continued observing Tu B'Shevat as a minor holiday. In the 1600's, Kabbalists in Tzfat began to celebrate Tu B'Shevat in new ways and created a Seder (modeled on the Passover Seder), to celebrate nature and its spirituality. In the early days of Zionism, Tu B'Shevat was celebrated by planting trees in Israel and continues today.

Tu B'Shevat teaches that as Jews we are expected to be stewards of the environment. This responsibility, however, is not limited to the dry land on which we live. It also includes the blue waters on which we rely.

Blue Carbon

Plant a Mangrove

Plant a single mangrove for $36 or a thicket of ten for $360.

Donations may be made by either clicking on the Plant a Mangrove button below, or by mailing a check to Repair the Sea. For Donor Advised Fund check requests, please include our EIN (87-3029570) as proof of Repair the Sea's tax exempt status in your request.

Certificates are customizable and can be In Honor of or In Memory of someone. 

Please indicate any specific information for your tribute on your order.

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3225 S MacDill Ave Suite 129-185

Tampa Florida 33629

(833) 928-0861

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© 2022 by Tikkun HaYam - Repair the Sea


Tikkun HaYam - Repair the Sea Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization          EIN 87-3029570
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